Thursday, 2 December 2021

Tutorial: Enter/Exit Batocera from Raspbian OS on Raspberry Pi 4

The Batocera OS is highly optimized for games, as a result, it has left out all other capabilities a normal operating system has. This makes life a bit difficult for users who wants both playing games and doing computing stuffs, because you need to install a separate operating system, need to buy and flash a separate microSD/SSD/USD-HDD, and reboot in order to switch between operating systems.

In this tutorial, we describe how to directly run Batocera's EmulationStation from inside Raspbian OS on Raspberry Pi 4, the same principle can be applied to PC or other systems (such as Ubuntu) as well.

This is an advance Linux tutorial, you are assumed to be familiar with basic Linux principles, file systems, Linux kernels, files and commands.

The steps are as follows:
1. Download and extract all Batocera files.
i). You have already downloaded the Batocera image for RPi (either the official image from Batocera Official Download , or pre-made game pack images from Arcade Punks, etc.) This is typically an XXX.img.gz or XXX.img file. If it is gzipped, extract it first, gunzip XXX.img.gz
ii). mount the image as a loop device, losetup -vfP XXX.img
iii). mount the two partitions /boot (the boot partition BATOCERA) and /rootfs (the main data partition SHARE containing all roms/save-games/game-previews/etc.)
mkdir -p /mnt/batocera-boot /mnt/batocera-rootfs
mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/batocera-boot
mount /dev/loop0p2 /mnt/batocera-rootfs
iv). copy over all folders in these two partitions, you can use any folder other than /opt (this step is optional since you can access files on mounted loop device images directly, however it will be super slow when accessing files)
cp -rfpP /mnt/batocera-boot /opt/batocera-boot
cp -rfpP /mnt/batocera-rootfs /opt/batocera-rootfs

2. Mount the /opt/batocera-boot/boot/batocera SquashFS (~850MB) root file-system which contains emulationstation as well as all its dependencies. For space-speed efficiency, Batocera uses ZSTD-compressed Squash File System for its main root file-system, however, the stock Raspbian kernel does not support SquashFS. Therefore, you can either:

2a. re-compile and install the Raspbian kernel with SquashFS (ZSTD format) enabled, refer to the RPi4 stock kernel guide, make sure you backup the /boot partition before you install.

2b. install squashfs-tools and extract manually:
apt install squashfs-tools
unsquashfs -f -d /opt/batocera-squashfs /opt/batocera-boot/boot/batocera

3. Create the following shell script on your desktop and make it executable:



# run as root if not
if [ "`whoami`" != root ]; then
    sudo "$0"
    exit 0

# install tmux if not
if [ ! "`which tmux`" ]; then
    apt-get install -y tmux

set -e -x -o pipefail

mount_if_not () {
    if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
        echo "Usage: mount_if_not source target [options]"
        exit 1
    if ! mountpoint -q "$2"; then
        mkdir -p "$2"
        if [ `ls "$1"/ 2>/dev/null | wc -l` -ge 1 ]; then
            mount --bind "$1" "$2"
            mount "${@:3}" "$1" "$2"

# 1. mount Batocera /boot
mount_if_not $MOUNT_POINT-boot /batocera/boot

# 2. mount Batocera root filesystem (/batocera/rootfs) as an overlay (upper:/bool/boot/overlay, lower:/bool/boot/batocera)
# 2a. create an overlay on memory
mount_if_not tmpfs /batocera/overlay_root -t tmpfs -o size=256M
for d in base overlay work saved; do
    mkdir -p /batocera/overlay_root/$d
# 2b. copy out overlay files into upper
mount_if_not /batocera/boot/boot/overlay /batocera/overlay_root/saved
cp -pr /batocera/overlay_root/saved/* /batocera/overlay_root/overlay/
umount /batocera/overlay_root/saved
# 2c. mount batocera squashfs onto lower
if [ `ls $MOUNT_POINT-squashfs/ 2>/dev/null | wc -l` -ge 5 ]; then
    mount_if_not $MOUNT_POINT-squashfs /batocera/overlay_root/base
    mount_if_not /batocera/boot/boot/batocera /batocera/overlay_root/base
# 2d. mount the overlay filesystem
mount_if_not overlay /batocera/chroot -t overlay -o rw,lowerdir=/batocera/overlay_root/base,upperdir=/batocera/overlay_root/overlay,workdir=/batocera/overlay_root/work

# 3. mount Batocera data partition onto /userdata
mount_if_not $MOUNT_POINT-rootfs /batocera/chroot/userdata

# 4. bind batocera/boot and batocera/overlay folder
mount_if_not /batocera/boot /batocera/chroot/boot --bind
mount_if_not /batocera/overlay_root /batocera/chroot/overlay --bind

# 5. mount bind system runtime directories
for p in sys proc dev run var tmp; do
    mount_if_not /$p /batocera/chroot/$p --bind

# Prepare shutdown signal for returning to Raspbian
if [ ! -p /batocera/chroot/signal.fifo ]; then
    mkfifo /batocera/chroot/signal.fifo
echo -e "#/bin/bash\necho exit>/signal.fifo" >/batocera/chroot/sbin/shutdown
chmod +x /batocera/chroot/sbin/shutdown

# Switch into Batocera, run commands in tmux so as to survive logging out the current session
if [ ! "`tmux ls | grep switch_to_bato`" ]; then
    if [ ! -s /etc/rc.local ]; then
        echo -e "#!/bin/sh -e\nexit 0" >/etc/rc.local
        chmod +x /etc/rc.local
    if [ ! "`grep switch_to_bato /etc/rc.local`" ]; then
        sed -i "s:^exit:tmux new-session -s switch_to_bato -d -x 240 -y 60\nexit:g" /etc/rc.local
    echo "tmux daemon has not started during boot, please reboot"
    exit 0
tmux send-keys -t switch_to_bato.0 -l "service $DISPLAY_MANAGER stop; chroot /batocera/chroot/ /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start;read </batocera/chroot/signal.fifo; service lightdm start"
tmux send-keys Enter

The above script should be run as root, or it will sudo itself. It will install tmux if not yet installed and add a line into /etc/rc.local to launch tmux server during boot if not added. It will reboot the first time it adds the tmux line into /etc/rc.local. The reason why I use tmux is because you are running this script inside the current display manager (lightdm), so if you stop the display manager, you will get logged out, all processes including this script itself will be killed before it can chroot and launch Batocera's emulationstation.

In summary, the overall underlying principle is very simple: mount all Batocera's file systems as it does (in BATOCERA/boot/initrd.gz's /init), chroot into its root folder, and start its emulationstation by /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start. In addition, since Batocera's emulationstation acts a standalone display manager, you need to stop your current display manager (there are lightdm, gdm, xdm, sddm, etc., Raspbian uses lightdm) before entering Batocera and restart your current display manager after exiting Batocera.

Monday, 29 November 2021

PXE network boot Batocera on Raspberry Pi 4

PXE network boot is very useful for Retro-gaming OS such like Batocera, Recalbox, RetroPie, Lakka, etc., on Raspberry Pi. In this way, you do not need to buy any microSD/SSD/USB-HDD, you can dynamically switch to another OS image without flashing a new microSD/SSD/USB-HDD, and you can also dynamically add/remove/change game roms on network storage and play it right away. A similar but much simpler approach can be found on Batocera NAS setup, which will require you to dedicate and flash a tiny image (4GB is enough) for /boot folder and mount the entire /userdata (containing emulators and game roms) or just the ROM folder /userdata/roms from network storage (NFS or Samba) using either Wifi or LAN.

This is an advanced tutorial, you are assumed to be familiar with basic Linux working principles, SSH, and know how to manipulate files, folder and work with shell scripts. The principle can apply to any other RetroGaming OS including Recalbox, Lakka, RetroPie, etc. as well as other Raspberry Pi devices, accordingly.

Before we start, we first need to understand Batocera's standard boot sequence. For Raspberry Pi, after powering on, the eeprom boot program will initialize hardware clock and other peripherals to prepare for boot (RPi4 boot sequence). Then, it will search for boot device according to the BOOT_ORDER specified in eeprom. After found, it will load and run bootcode.bin which looks forconfig.txt. The following two lines in config.txt tell the bootloader program to load the Linux kernel in boot/linux and mount the Initial Root Directory in boot/initrd.gz (1st root file-system, ~400KB gzipped CPIO archive) as ramfs (RAM file-system, all changes will be reverted upon reboot) and run /init:
initramfs boot/initrd.gz

At the end of running /init in the /boot/initrd.gz , it will mount /boot/boot/batocera (2nd root file-system, ~850MB SquashFS) as the new root and switch root into it. Finally, it will read /boot/batocera-boot.conf to mount the data partition that contains all roms/bios/saves/screenshots/etc onto /userdata . This is where the NAS setup method can instruct Batocera to mount data partition from NFS/Samba storage other than internal storage by modifying the sharedevice field in /boot/batocera-boot.conf. However, you will still need to flash a small Batocera image to provide the /boot directory, but you can use Wifi for hosting NAS.

The steps for PXE network boot need to be done on mainly 2 or 3 sides, server side, client side (Raspberry Pi) and router side (if your home router cannot host NAS)

On the client side (change boot order to PXE network boot if no microSD is found):
1. SSH into Raspbian OS or open a terminal directly
2. (Optional) update firmware, sudo apt update && sudo apt install rpi-eeprom --upgrade
3. Go into firmware directory, cd /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/stable/
4. Extract boot configuration from the latest stable firmware, rpi-eeprom-config pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin > bootconf.txt
5. Edit bootconf.txt, vi bootconf.txt ; change BOOT_ORDER to at least 0x21, preferably 0x00654321 (refer to RPi4 boot order for your own preference), add or change to BOOT_ORDER=0x00654321
6. Generate updated EEPROM image, rpi-eeprom-config --out netboot-pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin --config bootconf.txt pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin
7. Flash the updated EEPROM image to EEPROM, rpi-eeprom-update -d -f netboot-pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin

On the router side (if you use router to host DHCP dhcp-boot info and use another machine to host NAS):
1. SSH into your home router
2. edit DHCP config file, vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf, append or modify into the line, dhcp-boot=bootcode.bin, (where is your NAS server IP address), this allows DHCP server to tell RPi4 where is your TFTP server (for PXE network boot) during DHCP offer
3. restart DHCP service, service dnsmasq restart (you might need to manually kill and relaunch the dnsmasq process)

Take note that some routers does not allow SSH access or they host DHCP service in another way, then you have to figure out yourself or use your NAS server to host DHCP (if so, you will have two DHCP servers on your home intranet as every router host DHCP service, you might need to disable DHCP service on your router). Some other routers may have a DHCP settings page which allows you to specify PXE boot options, then you can do it in a nicer way.

On the server side:

This is the main and most complicated part. You need to do 4 things: A) download, mount, and extract the Batocera image; B) host /boot folder on TFTP server for PXE boot; C) host /rootfs and /boot on NFS (or Samba); D) modify configuration files and initrd.gz in /boot.

A. You have already downloaded Batocera image for RPi (either official image from Batocera Official Download , or pre-made game pack images from Arcade Punks, etc.)
A1. extract the gzip file, gunzip batocera-rpi4-32-20210920.img.gz
A2. mount it as a loop device, losetup -vP /dev/loop0 batocera-rpi4-32-20210920.img
A3. mount its boot and data partitions:
mkdir -p /mnt/boot /mnt/rootfs
mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/boot
mount /dev/loop0p2 /mnt/rootfs

A4. copy out the two folders for NFS mounting (this step is optional since you can modify and host NAS on mounted loop devices directly, however it will be super slow when accessing files); you can use any folder name other than /nfs, mkdir -p /nfs && cp -rfPp /mnt/boot /mnt/rootfs /nfs/ && chmod 777 /nfs /nfs/*

B. host /nfs/boot folder on TFTP server
B1. install TFTP server, apt install tftpd-hpa
B2. edit TFTP config file to set TFTP root directory, vi /etc/default/tftpd-hpa, change the line into TFTP_DIRECTORY="/nfs/boot"
B3. start TFTP server, service tftpd-hpa restart

C. host /nfs/boot and /nfs/rootfs on NFS (or Samba) server
C1. install Network File System kernel server, apt install nfs-kernel-server
C2. edit export config, vi /etc/exports, append or modify into the 2 lines:
/nfs/rootfs *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,nohide)
/nfs/boot *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,nohide)

C3. restart NFS server
service rpcbind restart
service nfs-kernel-server restart

D. modify files in /nfs/boot
D1. Create a backup and edit/nfs/boot/cmdline.txt to add or change into these settings, dev= root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip=dhcp
D2. disable auto-resize partition, vi /nfs/boot/batocera-boot.conf, set autoresize=false
D3. unpack initrd.gz into a temporary folder:
mkdir -p /tmp/initrd && cd /tmp/initrd
zcat /nfs/boot/boot/initrd.gz | cpio -iv
D4. modify files inside /tmp/initrd as shown afterwards
D5. backup and repack initrd.gz:
cp /nfs/boot/boot/initrd.gz /nfs/boot/boot/initrd.gz.bak
find . | cpio -ov -H newc | gzip -9 >/nfs/boot/boot/initrd.gz

D4. Modifying /tmp/initrd:
The reason why PXE network boot does not work on Batocera right now is because the latest aarch64-version busybox (for early-stage file-system access) does not support NFS properly. So we need to find a statically-linked mount program that works in early stage. An example is to get it from Ubuntu for RPi. You can download "Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 LTS", use losetup to mount its boot folder as before and find its initrd (it's in /<mount-point>/boot/initrd.img ), extract the LZ4-compressed CPIO archive (cd /tmp/initrd2 && lz4 -dc /<mount-point>/boot/initrd.img | cpio -iv) into some temp folder (/tmp/initrd2). Find the mount program that can mount nfs:

root@dell:/tmp/initrd2# file bin/nfsmount
bin/nfsmount: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=bc89c69698500f3b17c10a6ff8718e162fbd5bd3, stripped

Copy out both bin/nfsmount and its dependency library /lib/ into /tmp/initrd/bin and /tmp/initrd/lib respectively.

Now, we need to edit the init script, /tmp/initrd/init:
- in the do_mount() function, add the following nfsmount command after the 1st mount command failed, if nfsmount -o ro "${1}" /boot_root; then return 0; fi
- in "# read the parameters" section, add reading nfsroot parameter inside the case statement, nfsroot=*) nfsroot=${param#nfsroot=};;
- before "# moving current mounts" section, add the following lines to do nfsmount if nfsroot is specified:
if test -n "${nfsroot}"
 mkdir -p /new_root/userdata
 nfsmount -o rw "${nfsroot}" /new_root/userdata
 rm -f /new_root/etc/init.d/S11share

The last rm -f /new_root/etc/init.d/S11share line is to prevent Batocera from remounting /userdata according to /nfs/boot/batocera-boot.conf, because the built-in busybox mount program does not work for NFS.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

How to make Batocera working on small LCD display (such as MHS35) for RPi4


This tutorial is on how to make Batocera display work on small LCD screens such as MHS35 (as shown below) for Raspberry Pi 4. The same principle can be applied to other models of LCD display as well as other Raspberry models.

This is an advanced tutorial, you are assumed to be familiar with basic Linux working principle, can SSH into Raspbian and Batocera, copy files in and out, and have already made your small LCD screen working on Raspbian OS.

The steps are mainly divided into 2 categories, kernel level and user level:

  1. Kernel level

    a) Copy the overlay driver module files (e.g., for MHS35 LCD screen, mhs35.dtbo, mhs35-overlay.dtb) into /boot/overlays/ folder from Raspbian’s /boot/overlays/ folder

    b) Create a new folder /boot/overlays.bak/ and copy /boot/overlays/vc4-kms-v3d-pi4.dtbo into it for backup; then copy /boot/overlays/vc4-fkms-v3d.dtbo into /boot/overlays/vc4-kms-v3d-pi4.dtbo , this is to force Batocera to load the LCD’s 3D driver instead of HDMI’s 3D driver

    c) Adjust settings in /boot/config.txt and /boot/cmdline.txt

    i) In /boot/config.txt , add the LCD driver line dtoverlay=mhs35:rotate=90 ; add the GPU 3D acceleration line dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d,noaudio ; you can optionally add the display resolution lines, you can use either fixed resolution (e.g., 800×480):

    hdmi_cvt 800 480 60 6 0 0 0


    Or flexible resolution (with initial resolution, e.g., 85 for 1280×720, please refer to Raspberry Pi official link):


    ii) In /boot/cmdline.txt , append console=serial0,115200 fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 to the line (don’t create a new line), these optional settings are for console display

  2. User level

    a) Create a new folder (e.g., mybin ) inside the system folder, transfer the frame-buffer copier program, /usr/local/bin/fbcp, into that folder

    b) Copy the dependent libraries (such as,, etc.) into the folder; you can get the dependency libraries of a Linux executable by running ldd -v fbcp in Raspbian

    c) Create the auto-start script /system/ (if absent), add the line to run fbcp, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/userdata/mybin /userdata/mybin/fbcp & into the script

Take note that if you SSH into Batocera to modify things, the /boot folder is mounted as read-only, if you want to modify files, you need to remount it as read/write, mount /boot -o remount,rw ; the root folder (excluding /userdata) is ramfs (file-system in memory), any change will be reverted upon reboot, so all new files or modifications must be in /userdata folder, which is the data partition (/media/<your-username>/SHARED) if you mount the SD card in a PC.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

How to configure PXE network boot on Raspberry Pi or a general computer?

PXE network boot is becoming a very powerful tool nowadays. It can be used for setting up a large cluster of identical-purpose computers (e.g., computer access room for students); it can also be used to boot into a selected image for small Internet-based devices, e.g., Raspberry Pi running Raspbian, Ubuntu, RetroPie, Batocera, Lakka, Recalbox, Manjaro, Gentoo, or etc. You don't have to buy many big microSD cards, one for each image, neither do you need to flash the image onto the microSD card every time.

The setup process involves two sides, server side (for hosting the image) and client side (for PXE booting into the hosted image via network).

Server side:

1. Configure the DHCP server to tell the boot server's IP address. Add the following line into /etc/dnsmasq.conf and restart dnsmasq service


 where kernel8.img is the Stage-1 boot image file (such as grubnetx64.efi.signed, grubx64.efi, bootmgr.efi); is the TFTP server IP address (see below).

2. Host PXE boot folder using TFTP. Install and start tftpd-hpa, its configuration file is in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa . You can set the TFTP root folder location which contains the boot directory including the boot image file.

 Most of the time, the machine that hosts DHCP server can also host TFTP (since TFTP is a built-in feature of dnsmasq), so Step 1 and 2 can be combined, you can specify tftp-root in /etc/dnsmasq.conf, and the IP address field in dhcp-boot can be left out. Take note that all routers host a DHCP server by themselves, so if there are more than one DHCP servers in the same network, it might cause IP conflict.

3. Host operating system's root folder (e.g. /nfs/rootfs) and boot folder (e.g., /nfs/boot) using NFS

4. Modify /nfs/boot/cmdline.txt , append the string root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,vers=3 rw ip=dhcp onto the same line, this is to ask the kernel to load root filesystem from NFS instead of from local storage

5. Modify /etc/fstab in the hosted root filesystem to mount NFS as root instead of /dev/sd* or /dev/nvm*, etc.


Client side:

1. Set boot order. You must configure the boot order in BIOS (for PC) or eeprom (for Raspberry Pi) to boot from PXE if previous boot options all fail.

 1a. On Raspberry Pi, extract boot config info by running:

  cd /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/stable/
pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin > bootconf.txt 

 1b. Edit bootconf.txt, change BOOT_ORDER to at least 0x21, preferably 0x0365421

 1c. Generate updated EEPROM image by running:

  rpi-eeprom-config --out netboot-pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin --config bootconf.txt pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin

 1d. Flash the updated EEPROM image to EEPROM:

  rpi-eeprom-update -d -f netboot-pieeprom-2021-07-06.bin

2. You must make sure PXE network boot is currently the first available boot option (by plugging out hard-disks or microSD cards if their boot order is prior to PXE netboot)

Thursday, 6 May 2021

How to properly build a usable Linux kernel with Nvidia driver?

MX-Linux is known as the best Linux Distro for some years because it has a brilliant feature called MX-snapshot. To me, MX-Linux is essentially Ubuntu+OS_Snapshot. However, one major defect of MX-Linux is that its kernel has disabled ACPI so that after installing Nvidia driver, CUDA does not support GPU acceleration for PyTorch/Tensorflow/etc.

To overcome this drawback, you can either install a Ubuntu kernel by try-and-error or compile a kernel that support ACPI.

To compile a kernel step-by-step:

  1. Download a stable or long-term version Linux kernel from
  2. Make sure that essential building packages are installed
    git fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev xz-utils libssl-dev lz4 bc

  3. Extract the kernel archive and cd into that folder
  4. Copy current kernel config (in /boot/config-$(uname -r)) into .config
  5. Revise the configuration, there are 3 interfaces:
    make menuconfig (this is in console mode)
    make gconfig (this requires GTK, suitable for gnome-desktop)
    make xconfig (this requires Qt5, suitable for KDE-desktop, can be installed by `apt install qt5-default`)
  6. In the configuration, for every kernel module there are 3 options:
    y: the corresponding binary file is linked with vmlinux
    n: do not build
    m: although it will not link with vmlinux, it will be compiled and you can use modprobe or insmod to manually load the .ko kernel driver on demand
  7. Compile the kernel, `make -j 4`
  8. Install kernel modules striping unneeded symbols,
    make INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install -j 4
  9. To shrink the generated kernel image size, change `MODULES=most` into `MODULES=dep` in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf 
  10. Install kernel image into /boot, `make install -j 4`
  11. Now the main folder will be of huge size (>30GB), you need to cleanup the folder
    make clean
    find /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/ -iname "*.ko" -exec strip --strip-unneeded {} \;

After that,  you can now rebuild and install Nvidia driver by either:
- rebooting into the new kernel and run:
    dkms install nvidia/460.67
- without rebooting, directly run
    dkms install nvidia/460.67 -k <kernel-version>

  12. If you manually upgraded Nvidia driver, you also need to update initramfs, otherwise, your `/boot/initrd.img` will still contain the old-version driver.

    update-initramfs -c -k $(uname -r)

Monday, 1 February 2021

How to control which device event can wake up your computer from standby?

Level 1 method:

Look at /proc/acpi/wakeup:

Device  S-state   Status   Sysfs node
PEG0      S4    *disabled  pci:0000:00:01.0
PEGP      S4    *disabled  pci:0000:01:00.0
PEG1      S4    *disabled
PEGP      S4    *disabled
PEG2      S4    *disabled
PEGP      S4    *disabled
RP01      S4    *disabled  pci:0000:00:1c.0
PXSX      S4    *disabled  pci:0000:3b:00.0
RP02      S4    *disabled
PXSX      S4    *disabled
RP03      S4    *disabled
PXSX      S4    *disabled
RP04      S4    *disabled
PXSX      S4    *disabled
RP05      S4    *disabled  pci:0000:00:1c.4
PXSX      S4    *disabled  pci:0000:3c:00.0
                *disabled  platform:rtsx_pci_sdmmc.0
                *disabled  platform:rtsx_pci_ms.0
RP06      S4    *disabled
PXSX      S4    *disabled
RP07      S4    *disabled
This device file shows devices that are allowed to wake up the system from standby. You can toggle each item by (e.g.):

echo PEG0 >> /proc/acpi/wakeup
For the device code name:

  • PS2K: PS/2 keyboard
  • PS2M: PS/2 mouse
  • PWRB or PBTN: Power button
  • LID: Laptop lid
  • RP0x or EXPx: PCIE slot #x (aka PCI Express Root Port #x)
  • EHCx or USBx: USB 2.0 (EHCI) chip
  • XHC: USB 3.0 (XHCI) chip
  • PEGx: PCI Express for Graphics slot #x
  • GLAN: Gigabit Ethernet

More can be found in ACPI specification.

Level 2 method (if Level 1 method does not work):

If the device does not appear in /proc/acpi/wakeup, you can search for device files named wakeup in /sys/devices folder recursively. You can enable/disable wakeup by (e.g.):

echo enabled > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/power/wakeup
Since ACPI devices are organized in a tree structure, on certain computers, it might happen that even if you enabled the leaf node, the parent node is still disabled, so it still does not wakeup. On one laptop, after such configuration, pressing the power button does not wake up the system; while holding down the power button for 10 seconds wakes up the system from standby.